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Saturday, October 10, 2015

How to Help with Employment Efforts

Looking for employment can be a very isolating experience. Unemployment or underemployment can challenge job seekers, and can add stress to their personal relationships. Instead of reaching out for help, many job seekers feel embarrassed or uncomfortable sharing their situation. They may feel like they have failed at self-reliance and that they need to get out of this struggle alone.

You have the opportunity to reach out and support job seekers in ways that can have a significant impact on their lives. They need your love, support, and help now more than ever. With your help, job seekers do not need to go through this challenge alone. 

One of the greatest needs a job seeker has is to be connected to opportunities and information. Members are a powerful resource to help job seekers expand their network and find the information they need. Consider ideas to offer valuable support here.

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