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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Contact Hiring Managers Directly

Wish you could contact hiring managers directly? And without necessarily sending out your resume first? Today's technology is literally changing how this is possible. 

The Switch Job App is a new way to test the job searching market without necessarily looking for a job. There are no time-consuming applications to fill out and no job searching needed. It takes only a few minutes to sign up with nothing being posted on the Internet for full security. You complete a short profile on-line in four minutes or less with two major ingredients: 

  • Provide your Linkedin URL and identify the specific job titles that you are most interested in. The Switch Job App does the rest by regularly sending you directly the jobs that best meet your expectations.
  • Your Linkedlin posting is your calling card! But have your resume and other credentials ready to go when you receive contact information of each job's hiring manager if you both match up through your social media postings.
Presently, there are over 1,000 employers connected to the Switch Job App which is totally free and it is growing exponentially. The rest of what happens is rather innovative. If your Linkedin account is razor sharp and meets the needs of the posted jobs, learn more about this new way to directly contact hiring managers here.

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