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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Job Searching at 50: stress your experience

As an older worker, it’s easy to go off recalling the “old days” and how things have – or haven’t — changed.  In searching for an IT job at 50, however, it’s important to stay focused on the employer’s present and future needs – and how the company will benefit from your experience.
That doesn’t mean leaving dates off your resume to appear less old, according to Shelley Radinsky of 
T & S Recruiting near Philadelphia.  She relates:  “I think you should be proud of every bit of experience you have and “If you go in there confident, that will come across.”

Here are important concepts to incorporate in your job hunting profile.
  1. Focus on Your Value
  2. Find the Right Fit
  3. Staying Current
For more specific strategies to incorporate in your job hunting techniques regardless of your field of endeavor, click here.

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