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The Golden Employment Resource

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Employment Assistance: Readily Available!

The church offers effective ways for improving employment opportunities between job seekers and church leaders in the Stake. In addition to the employment specialist, there are Priesthood and Relief Society leaders, Welfare Council Committee, home teachers, visiting teachers within each church unit identified as the Circle of Caring and Barriers to the Circle of Caring.

Need Employment Help?

Whenever you or assigned families have an employment concern, there are resources to help. Contact your Priesthood or Relief Society leader for referral to your unit’s Employment Specialist. The church has a comprehensive employment program. Golden Stake Employment Specialists are available for interactive advice most Thursdays at 8 PM using Internet conferencing. Suggest your church leader join you on-line to maximize your benefits. Contact your church leader for an invitation to join this interactive weekly employment meeting. For a view of employment assistance for the Job Seeker, click here.

Leaders and Employment

Local leaders watch over the members and seek to be aware of their challenges. Should any member become un-employed or otherwise unable to meet their family responsibilities, the Priesthood and Relief Society have resources available for assistance. If you find yourself challenged with employment needs, please see your local leaders for assistance. For an overview of employment assistance for church leaders,  click here and click here.

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