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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Job Hunting According To Nephi

“When I was out of work, I realized that if I followed Nephi’s example, I would be able to provide for my family again.”

"A few years ago, the president of the company I worked for explained that the company was shifting direction and would soon not need my services or the services of anyone in my department. He didn't give a firm date, so I started thinking about looking for work and hoping something would come along. A month later, I was laid off and told I wouldn't be receiving any more paychecks."

Unemployment can be a traumatic experience for any of us, but if we follow Nephi's example, the author feels that you will be able to provide for your family again.  These attributes can be summarized as follows:
  1. The responsibility rests with you.
  2. You need to not only establish a plan but you also need to follow the plan closely.
  3. You will need to speak up with assertive actions.
  4. The Lord's promises are sure.
For more information about how Nephi's examples can have impact on your job searches and ultimate success, click here.

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