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Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Video Resume Tips." Part 2

It is often recognized that employers are not always looking to hire the most qualified candidate.  But looking to hire "a personality" rather than "a brain in a jar," suggests applicants accompany any video they send of themselves with a traditional resume and cover letter.

For employers, don't expect them to immediately press the "Play" button right away; but instead, screening candidates on paper first because resumes can initially be perused in 5 seconds instead screening them in 1 to 3 minute segments. Then, once the first round of cuts have been made, it's fine to grab the popcorn and fire up those applicant videos.  But video resumes require creativity with an interesting story-line. Here is an example of a straight-ahead lecture format that leaves much to be desired because it lacks imagination. Click here for such presentation.. 

There are  important tips of what to incorporate in your video resume and what not what to do.  Click here for an excellent "how to" article on how to present yourself more effectively.  This on-line article is entitled "Video Resume Tips."

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