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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Best Things to Say in Your Interview

Keep these five things in mind as you go through the interviewing process to give yourself the best chance at landing the job.
Ask Good Questions  Doing so shows that you are thoughtful and interested in understanding the company.
“I’m flexible.”  Whether it’s about possible job duties, a start date or timing for the second interview, stressing your flexibility makes you easy to get along with
The Company’s Own Words  Before your interview, become familiar with the company’s website and literature. Mixing keywords into your answers can provide a subtle hint that you are plugged in to what the organization is looking for.
“That’s a Good Question.”  Say this if the interviewer stumps you with a surprise question. It willgive you a few moments to come up with an answer. Avoid the “I don’t know” answer whenever possible.
Reasons You Want the Job.  Talk about how you see yourself in relation to the company and what you believe you can bring to the position.
For more details on these, see the full article here.

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