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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Schedule on-line job seeking consultation!

Interactive on-line job seeking consultation is available every Thursday at 8 PM MST.
·        Job seekers - assistance to prepare for securing a job.
·        Employment Specialists - assistance on how to best assist their ward members.
·        Unit leadership - understand the challenges of providing meaningful assistance.

To make a reservation :
·        E-mail Jim Olsten at:  an hour or more before the meeting,
·        OR Schedule an alternate time/day for an on-line interactive consultation.
·       Log-in to : , videoconferencing software downloads and connects to the meeting automatically

Technical details :
·        You can use MAC or PC computers at Pentium 4 level.
·        An audio headset is recommended OR use your microphone and speakers,
·        OR phone 312 878-3081 and provide meeting ID 560 775 914 for on phone audio
·        Attendee Quick-Start Instructions: click here
·       Technical support: 800-263-6317, provide meeting ID 560 775 914 for free support

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